Category Archives: News and Views

Maps & charts raise question the CCP released Omicron

Readers here might recall that in April 2020 I blogged “WuhanVirus as a ChiCom ops”.
On 26Jan2020 I had blogged “Australia Day & coronavirus thoughts” as it looked obvious to me people were flooding our border at airports with no health checks. Anyway – fast forward to 2Jan2022 as we cope with the huge Omicron case numbers surge and I thought “I wonder how China is coping with Omicron?”. This JHU map shows that Omicron is an absolute “nothing-burger” in China despite flooding almost every corner of planet Earth with a huge Christmas surge in Covid case numbers. So is the CCP so confident they are untouchable that they could have developed Omicron in a lab and planted it around the world? Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus global map
Larger map. I should have added that a week ago David Archibald has said that Omicron came from a laboratory.

80th Ann. Pearl Harbor attack

In 2019 I blogged – US & Japan war-gamed Pearl Harbor attack in 1930’s – and with the 80th anniversary near I had hoped to sketch over the main warnings during 1941.
The McCollum Memo October 1940 by Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum in the Office of Naval Intelligence which IMHO was written quickly is a fair summing of WWII at that time by a well informed officer sketching out the global security problems facing America.
This is the most comprehensive list of “all of 1941 warnings” I have found online.
Additional to the above list and while not strictly a warning but for sure a closely related event in the saga.
Two years ago I blogged “Did Admiral Kimmel exercise his fleet north of Oahu 21st to 24th Nov 1941 ?” and discovered thru Google that the answer was yes he did and was ordered back to Pearl by Washington. I will add more 1941 warnings missed from the above link as they come to mind.
For example on the day of the attack – Early am on the 7th the Destroyer Ward fired on a submarine conning tower near the entrance channel to Pearl and radioed in a report but the office brass just talked about it and asked for confirmation. Well the confirmation did arrive.
There was also the cogent warning about incoming aircraft from the radar station on northern tip of Oahu but that managed to be ignored too. What was so hard about scrambling some aircraft. Also early that morning the Japanese sub I-26 sunk the freighter SS Cynthia Olson en route from Tacoma, Washington, to Honolulu. A radio message was broadcast and picked up by the Matson Liner Lurline heading for San Fran from Honolulu – could have helped weave the tapestry of warnings but who wanted to be warned. I will add more as they come to hand.

The Ozone hole is failing to close

Flatlining at this point in time. Leading to diversionary articles by the “great and the good”.
Just yesterday we had a self congratulatory ramble back over past glories – The Montreal Protocol — an ozone layer success story to remember amid the gloom of COP26.
Then two months ago there was more obfuscation – Ozone recovery is offsetting Southern Hemisphere climate change trends in summer.
Last March we were thrilled by Climate explained: how particles ejected from the Sun affect Earth’s climate. Mentioning the sun is fraught for the Ozone/Climate-Emergency brigade.
But in 2016 the “certainty meter” was banging the end of the dial Hole in the ozone layer is finally ‘healing’
Making it up as they go comes to mind. Finally a look at NASA’s Ozone Watch pages.

ScoMo Gov running dead on BoM evidence “Black Summer nothing to do with global warming”

Can anybody cast light on why the 9 September 2019 findings published by the BoM and the ABC about the Antarctic phenomena “sudden stratospheric warming” have been effectively expunged from history. Despite the clear statements from BoM – now the narrative that the Black Summer fires and later floods were all “due to climate change” completely rules roost in public discourse.

Australia has no “right of centre” Govt. now

Some commentators still refer to the the Morrison and NSW Govts. as “conservative” – cue hilarity. When you weigh up the Australian Commonwealth LNP Govt and PM Scott Morrison – they have slid so far left since 2013 they must be considered a “left of centre” Govt. albeit somewhat schizo.
The NSW Govt may be nominally LNP but Premier Berejiklian has since mid 2020 revealed so many Green policies – it is now ridiculous to regard her Govt as anything other than “green-tinged left of centre”.
I doubt any other State or Territory would qualify as “right of centre” under scrutiny – but I am open to suggestions.

Australia getting nuclear subs

Major outbreak common sense in Canberra. ABC reported late yesterday – Australia to get nuclear-powered submarines, will scrap $90b program to build French-designed subs and this morning are running an update – Australia to acquire nuclear submarine fleet as part of historic deal with US and UK to counter China’s influence 16Sep2021
PM ScoMo is saying this is not a move to nuclear power and we will still honour the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Australia needs to grow up but with an election due so soon nuc electricity generation would be a bridge too far for ScoMo. By now the ABC will be assembling a research team to use all these various issues against the Govt to help Labor win the 2021 Federal election. I have initial concerns we are nodding in two directions re the subs – I would prefer a more simple “just acquire tried & proven US nuc subs however and get them operating out of downunder”. And of course we should work towards acquiring nuclear weapons capacity.