Moyne Shire not in drought but gets $Million

Thats in Vic based on Warrnambool ABC reports – Councillor calls for $1m drought support funding to be redirected away from his area
You can easily make drought maps here. Pick your State and check various time periods.
The SMH adds all the 13 new areas – does anybody have a link to a full list or a map of all areas listed for assistance now?

Chart stunning success Greens anti-damism

I found this on www – not sure where it was sourced – if anybody knows please pass on. Falling Behind – Water supply vs population growth.
In one simple picture – how Australian politicians and policy makers been so comprehensively dudded by Green anti-dam lies. ANCOLD – The Australian National Committee on Large Dams has an xls file for download with stats & specs for all large Oz dams. Please circulate chart to relevant politicians.

BoM using “Beehive” thermometer shield in CDO

Reader Siliggy emailed this evidence of changes quietly inserted into the BoM network – that is proving “climate change and global warming”. Is there a study comparing this Beehive to stevenson screens?

The picture source is page four at this NTC pdf.
It is the Portland Harbour site here on the observations page for Victoria.
CDO site number 090192 Portland NTC AWS with monthly max and min data from Apr 2011
Because it is both a tide gauge and an AWS it has two sets of meta data available – NTC and CDO
Portland NTC AWS 1/2 hourly data here.

Water freezing under Ross Ice Shelf – Nooooooooo

Waiting for this on ABC – Antarctica breakthrough: Why 300m dig below ice stunned scientists – ‘Mind blown!’
[The undersides of ice shelves are usually smooth due to gradual melting, but as the camera passed through the bottom of the In any case, if you feel any prolonged side effects, it is advised to take medical help, continue reading that buy generic viagra immediately.Erectile Dysfunction might seem like a small problem but this can affect your life badly. However it is cheapest viagra no prescription said that if the size is smaller than 3 inches, that the treatment becomes necessary. If not, there are effective orden viagra viagra ED treatments available. Not only that in many instances these symptoms are as yet being contemplated, bringing down DHT levels has been demonstrated to help prevent prostate cancer, so this additional benefit is a further incentive for bald men to give Propecia a try, because bald men show an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. hole, it showed the underside of the ice adorned with a glittering layer of flat ice crystals. This was evidence that in this particular place, sea water is actually freezing onto the base of the ice instead of melting it.]