Great Albo Cool & Wet Period in Australian mean temperature history

This chart of Australian Govt Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) ACORN V2.3 land station mean temperature series vs NASA lower troposphere satellites UAH, thanks to Chris Gillham,
My annotation on Chris’ chart indicates the “Great Albo Cool & Wet Period” (GACWP)
Note Albo is the nick for our GreenLeft Australian Prime Minister Albanese. The GACWP starts after the heat of 2019 to the present day and has not ended. It will take a few months near 3 deg mean anomaly to end the GACWP.
Those of us who follow weather news would have noticed the effort BoM have been putting into talking up heat. Remember their “Heatwave” warning www page – sadly launched in the GACWP. BoM monthly data from here –