Australian Govt failings 2013-2020

We have had an LNP Fed. Govt. for near seven years now – how good have they been?
Here is a quick list of what I think are their major failings.
Not in any particular order.
[1] Failing to rein in the ABC to be more balanced.
[2] Failing to rein in the Public Service to be less green/left.
[3] Failing to find a more rational line re “climate change”.
[4] No new dams despite big talk in 2013.
[5] Failed to control the NDIS and NBN spending inherited from Labor.
[6] Failed or were tardy to combat Family Day Care criminal rorts.
[7] Spent big but talked as though they were thrifty see July 2020 RBA chart.
[8] Snowy 2.0.
[9] Thinking that abolishing the Carbon Tax was solving something long term.
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[11] Doing nothing to prolong life of coal fired power – Hazelwood and Liddell.
[12] Talked big about reducing electricity prices but in the end it is probably Covid19 that has helped them there.
[13] Failing to stop some States gas exploration bans.
[14] Learning nothing from the Chinese militarisation of South China Sea.
[15] Allowing Darwin Port to be leased to the Chinese.
[16] Seemingly asleep to the Sinofication of our universities.
[17] Seemingly asleep to Sinofication influences in our political life.
[18] Fail to take steps to close the gap.
[19] Fail to arrest the slide in international measures of our education standards.

I drew a line before Covid19.

Thoughts on the 75th Ann. “Victory” in the Pacific

The end of WWII in Europe was less than stellar from a Western point of view due to the USSR push west as far as they could. Similarly in the Pacific theatre hundreds of millions of war weary people ended up being ruled by Reds and it is fascinating to explore why this had to happen. My reading tells me that the US Govt and White House was so “riddled with reds” since the 1930’s that many around FDR were working towards this Good Old Uncle Joe friendly outcome. The West is still paying for this.