UHI lost in Euro heat news

In the latest flurry of news from Europe about their summer heat records – has anybody heard the UHI (Urban Heat Island) referred to? Luke Howard who published on the London UHI near 200 years ago would turn in his grave. Even Catallaxy is onto the issue. If anybody notices the UHI referred to in meedja please tell us.

Drought is a human concept best discarded

Variations in rainfall are natural, we can see that from data histories, politicians and politics should stay out of drought.
Farmers should understand their long term rainfall histories and put aside money or resources (feed) in the good years to cope with inevitable low rain years. Perhaps the tax system should make it easier for them to do that. But all Govt payouts for so called “drought relief” should be abolished. Govts have created enough disasters that there is plenty for them to do fixing the damage.