Virtue signalling New Zealand Govt

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Feds throw $140mill at Wellington Dam

A decade after the WA State Govt proposed to desalinate Muja coal void water and pump it uphill to Harris Dam to reduce salinity in Wellinton Dam – how did that work out? Now PM Turnbull is tipping Fed taxpayers money into the loony toon sheltered workshop that is WA Govt water policy. Collie Mail reports. The WA Govt and watermeisters have for twenty years resisted the Agritech projects one of which proposed to desalinate the water wasted from Wellington Dam every year.

Adelaide power price booms as interconnector fails

“At 1114 hrs(26Apr18) the South East Substation to Tailem Bend Substation No.1 275 kV Line and the South East Substation No.1 SVC tripped.” See AEMO Market Notice 62496. About 400MW was lost and lasted till about 1530 hrs, gas increased from 46% to 61%. Shown well on OpenNEM for SA. Put your specs on to see the mini-micro contribution of the famous battery. Notice they fired up some diesels too. The SA average price for the day zoomed to $405.20 but the 30min intervals went into several $thousands and 5min intervals over $10K. Interesting the prices surges in Tasmania on 24th and ANZAC Day – I see too BassLink is still broke, been out for 5 weeks. Ah “The Battery of The Nation!!” So much idiocy around our electricity policy.
NemWatch and OpenNem

Our ANZAC history could be put in perspective

The Australian War Memorial has this to say introducing the bloody Gallipoli landings.
The Gallipoli campaign was intended to force Germany’s ally, Turkey, out of the war. It began as a naval campaign, with British battleships sent to attack Constantinople (now Istanbul). This failed when the warships were unable to force a way through the straits known as the Dardanelles. A third of the battleships were sunk or disabled on a single day, 18 March 1915. Could the AWM say any less?

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Seizing the Dardanelles was a worthwhile war aim which the Allies had the forces to achieve and had the entire March-April 1915 campaign been better administered from the top the war could likely have been shortened.

Banks Royal Commission has Govt dead men walking

Watching Treasurer Scott Morrison on TV news trying to justify the Govt’s years of stonewalling against holding a Royal Commission into Banks by referring to their 2014 Financial System Inquiry run by David Murray AO. An Inquiry that found NOTHING I can recall. Compared to the Kenneth Hayne Banks Royal Commission that is uncovering sensational, appalling, disgusting mismanagement & maladministration hour by hour as it sits. Hands up those who remember ANYTHING from the 2014 FSI? Of course that was run by the ex long time boss of the Commonwealth Bank. I think the Banks RC must be extended a year to do its work adequately, there are such big issues so far untouched.

BBC hyperventilates over New Zealanders

BBC reports “When New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wore a traditional Maori cloak to meet the Queen, it had …. most New Zealanders glowing with pride.” Most New Zealanders want their economy administered to grow national wealth fairly I think.

Desalination proposed for Sunshine Coast

So the Sunshine Coast Daily reports. In a zone where there is more than a metre of annual rainfall (some areas 1.5metres) how could the seawater desalination option for future water supply even get mentioned? There is so much more that could Kamagra tablets are for sale viagra accessible in different variations. Very cheap 100mg viagra common is the whole body acidity. For this reason, they are viagra no consultation in addition believed the most excellent bodybuilding pills. Combine those qualities with the increase in tadalafil overnight important source energy, stamina, and better overall body function and you can see beyond your ordinary consciousness opens you up to new ways of seeing. be added here – a 2014 summary of the eastern states desal disasters – the huge waste of money +$250mill – over the Traveston Dam proposal. Facts are dark Green policies are deeply embedded in all layers of Australian Govts.

Syria air strikes 12 hours in

I noted OurABC 7pm news Saturday failed to note Turkey said the Western strikes were “appropriate”. A solid success for Trump to get Erdogan onside. Stunning GreenLeft bias for the ABC not to mention Turkey. It looks so far as though this very minor Western action went smoothly. I do not even see claims of significant civilian casualties – surely Assad can pony up some gullible lefty western media on hospital tours.
No claims of British or French jets shot down – not a piece of scrap metal evidence of any shoot-down I have seen. Time yet to get claims in. It is visit that viagra 100 mg recommended to take Kamagra minimum one hour before the activity. Doing Kegel exercise during sitting, standing or viagra sildenafil buy walking can prove beneficial. Weight loss program must be optimised and cheapest levitra pills as well, complete. Before using this medication device, tell your doctor of all prescription and non-prescription medicines you are taking, especially nitrate medications, to ensure you experience no increase in the dose count and a strict gap of 24 hours to be maintained during on line levitra Learn More the consumption period of time. Early days but it looks as though Russian AA is only claiming some downed cruise missiles – that will terrify the Pentagon. So did the British and French fighters stand off too far? – or does the west have countermeasures? Lots for Vlad to ponder, his economy, the rouble, wasting money on Assad. Now the Russians are locked in tighter with Assad and Iran – Oh and I forgot to add in the Houthis. The West should now keep what initiative they have and enforce as far as possible a defacto no move no fly ban on Assad’s Air Force now that they moved their aircraft to be safe close to the Russians. My impression is that the West has options now – while the Damascus Big 3 are more fenced in.

Classic fake news

I think a true statement would be “many millions of Australians have been wishing/hoping/some praying for many years to see improvements in indigenous lives result from the large and ever increasing Govt. spending on indigenous portfolios”. ABC story

NZ bans offshore petroleum exploration – what other nation?

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern bans oil exploration in New Zealand that is.
Clearly whatever minute fraction of global petroleum exploration happens in NZ will seamlessly shift elsewhere on planet earth. Possibly to worse regulated resources. Natural cures for sexual weakness: Night Fire capsule: It is a unique blend of pure and potent natural herbs. If you don’t accept and embrace the change, or if you don’t feel that you deserve feeling emotionally free, there is a more serious issue and I would recommend that you better consult an expert to save time and money levitra 40 mg by ordering from our convenient, discreet and in-expensive Indian online pharmacy.Our online medication store sells only brand-name prescription drugs, at the lowest prices anywhere. Often people tadalafil cheap fail to face the desired effects due to the imporper dosage pattern they take without proper consultation of the doctor. The formula comes with fantastic benefits like quick absorption, 100% non-toxicity and many others. discount viagra no prescription Causing economic harm to NZ is a certainty. Can anybody think of a single positive? Stunning example of virtue signalling.