BoM equal record hot day at Onslow a nothing-burger

BoM claim that Onslow 50.7 yesterday matches the 50.7 at Oodnadatta in outback South Australia, on January 2, 1960.
In their “climate change dreams”. Oodnadatta was from a liquid in glass thermometer in probably an older style large Stevenson screen while Onslow would be from an AWS with a fast reacting electric platinum probe.

6 thoughts on “BoM equal record hot day at Onslow a nothing-burger”

  1. Not like it has never happened before in W.A. though.
    50.7°C is 123.2°F.
    “The Divisional Meteorologist (Mr. E. B.
    Curlewis) said on Tuesday that a tempera-
    ture of 120.5 degrees on January ll, 1905,
    and January 3, 1922, was the highest shade
    temperature recorded at Marble Bar. The
    highest temperature ever recorded under
    a Stevenson screen in Western Australia
    was 123.2 at Eucla in 1906. The Steven-
    son screen was used by all weather bureaus
    in the Commonwealth for securing official
    shade temperatures.”

  2. I believe Onslow was 50.7C at 2:26pm. At 2:30pm it was 49.2C. I don’t recall any 10 min interval reaching 50C so it was a quick spike around that time. Somebody might have the 2:20pm recording.

  3. Interesting reading Siliggy’s comments about the highest recorded temperatures. I was present at Forrest WA in the mid 60s when the official temperature recorded in the Met. Stevenson screen shot past 100F at 8:00 am, went past 120F at 10:00 am, and shortly afterwards crashed down due to a wild storm front. The equipment outbuildings on the airport often had internal temperatures exceeding 130F in summer.

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