Plus 100mm rain Thomson catchment quick release enviro-flows

I notice the overnight BoM map showed Mount Baw Baw but now that has gone from the post 9am map.
The Mount Baw Baw daily rain file is showing zero so far(now showing 280.6mm for 10June) for the 10th June – you know it makes sense.
I bet there are already public servants itching to open the gates on environmental flows. Gotta get that water to the sea where it belongs.

4 thoughts on “Plus 100mm rain Thomson catchment quick release enviro-flows”

  1. ABC news is saying Baw Baw got 300mm and that is “making its way down creeks” to flood Traralgon. The ignorance of the ABC knows no limits. Rain at Baw Baw runs into Thomson Dam. Heavy rain nearer Traralgon is causing 200 houses to be flood affected there.

  2. Photos indicate the Thompson River is in flood but the dam is not full – go figure!

  3. I should clarify that when the blog title says “…quick release enviro-flows” – that is “tongue in cheek”. Although in due course a stupid proportion of the current inflows will be released as environmental flows. See my Aug 2016 blog – “Melbourne Water amazing wasteful environmental flows when storages were low 2007-2011″

  4. What is an ” environmental flow” in a long running drought?
    The flow in the Thomson River below the dam always seems constant regardless of any drought or dry spells.
    Why was this dam built?

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