All posts by Warwick Hughes

China trying to penetrate Torres Strait communities

Traitors everywhere on and around the wide brown land.

Torres Strait ‘motherland’ mulls Chinese investment as community leader criticises Anthony Albanese 19Aug2022

China’s plan to build a fish processing facility in the Torres Strait raises alarm over fishing, border security 15Dec2020

Christmas 2020 I blogged –
China walks on Australian toes in Torres Strait

Albo glorification visit Torres St told to keep cashless card

PM Albanese visited the Torres St yesterday and The Australian today tells us they already have an elected Voice body speaking to Minister Burney. (Column by Paige Taylor on The Voice) If that works why not just expand that Nationally – no need to change the Constitution or held a divisive referendum. If the Torres St Voice does not work – well why would a National Voice work?
The Australian also has an article today quoting various people from around the wide brown land including Noel Pearson speaking in favour of keeping the “cashless welfare card”. Column 1 — Columns 2,3,4,5.
Full section of page 6 from the Australian 19Aug22 covering these above various subjects including something from John Howard. WordPress has lost the editing tools that have worked for years. So the links to 4 jpg’s of above articles are below.
The Australian p6 19Aug22 column by Paige Taylor on The Voice

The Australian p6 19Aug22 Paige Taylor on The Cashless Welfare Card column 1

The Australian p6 19Aug22 Paige Taylor on The Cashless Welfare Card columns 2,3,4,5.

The Australian p6 a larger area 19Aug22 Paige Taylor on Albo visit Torres St various incl above.

AIMS says GBR corals @ record levels over much of reef

OurABC reports AIMS saying- Great Barrier Reef coral cover at record levels after mass-bleaching events – so sceptics were right then?
Great Barrier Reef coral cover at record levels after mass-bleaching events, report shows 4Aug22
ABC ScreenSave

Count the ways lies of the left helped Albo’s Labor win the election

Not in any order – hoping readers can add more examples.
A – China gamed our election through midget Solomons hostility to ScoMo Gov and Labor benefited from this beating it up as “ScoMo Gov lost the Solomons” but now they claim to be more alert to China threat.
China games the 2022 Australian Federal Election
B – Dutton was labelled a warmonger for informing us about presence of Chinese spy-ship off Exmouth US/Oz strategic radio base – but now Albo paints himself to NATO as tough on China.
C – Labors December 2021 Powering Australia plan is totally crashed & burnt by 2022 AEMO wholesale electricity price rises of multi-hundreds of percent across the NEM. PA is just a leftist renewables fairy story now but it promised reductions in power bills helping Labor win election.
D – Labor attacked ScoMo Gov for not “going further tackling Climate Change” at Glasgow COP26 but now Germany, Austria, UK, Japan are all exposed as backtracking from Glasgow BS statements and increasing coal and gas fired electricity generation to keep their electricity grids alive. So once again Labor positions during election campaign shown now to be untenable – helped bad-mouth ScoMo Gov and helped Albo win the election.
E – The issue of the AEC allowing the Climate 200 TEALS to be classed as Independents instead of making them be classed as the “Climate 200 Party” was a contributor to the ScoMo Gov loss. IMHO there are various other ways the AEC revealed it is left leaning.
Adding up all these examples – was the election stolen by anti-ScoMo Gov Labor lies assisted & promulgated by the dominant GreenLeft media?

BoM min T Outlook for June looks detached from reality

We all know media headlines and news have been mentioning cold conditions in south east Queensland and the Australian south-east. So checkout the BoM minimum T Outlook for June 2022 published on 26th May. Then compare with the string of daily Minimum anomalies starting 1st June – enjoy.
Min T Outlook for June 2022
Minimum temperature anomalies 1st June 2022 – click the later button to work through June.

NSW gets some rain and anti-damism cancels dams

Two ABC articles in the last few days tell the story. Remember in Mid October 2019 while a drought was on in NSW PM Morrison offered NSW, with ex Premier Berijiklian at his side, a $Billion Fed moolah for a new Dungowan Dam (Tamworth water supply) and enlarged Wyangla Dam. I have blogged twice on the issue that nothing was happening on these projects except paper pushing – ScoMo $Bill on NSW dams 27Sep2020 – and late last year – Anti-dam greens rule is total in NSW 4Nov2021 . Now OurABC reports $350 million Mole River Dam near Tenterfield scrapped amid doubt about NSW dam projects and NSW dam managers face huge challenge to stop rivers flooding during near-record wet – Sorry about lack of normal hyperlinks. I updated WP and now it has taken away the normal edit functions when writing a post.

How we got to the AEMO electricity price disaster

I remember a prescient press article by Terry McCrann which I kept – “The experts lie about renewable energy 28Nov2016” Link might be part paywalled.
Here is a quick quote – [THE first and most important thing to understand about global warming true believers and the pushers of so-called “renewable energy” is that they lie. They lie effortlessly, seamlessly, continuously and without the slightest sense of shame. They lie deliberately and carelessly and casually, and even when they don’t realise they are lying. They lie without the slightest sense of self-awareness and with all the pomposity of stupidity aforethought.]
Fast forward to where we are now with the monthly average AEMO wholesale prices shown in my 2 year chart. The timing of the Federal election on 21st May did not help but Govt has to govern and PM Morrison and his Energy Minister Taylor should have been advised in Jan/Feb that their mantra of “we reduced power prices” was now way out of date as Euro-Russian gas supplies issues + Russian-Ukraine border tensions building could be feeding increases in world gas & coal prices that were influencing AEMO wholesale electricity pricing.
Lets just quickly state a few factual matters that help us understand how we arrived where we are with coal and gas generators experiencing fuel supply issues that if they got worse could cause serious large scale blackouts.
A – Our media is ~80% GreenLeft so renewables issues are usually reported to suit the renewables industry with little critical media input. Just look at the youth of many journos at pressers and no wonder many must be auto-greenleft supporters.
B – Conversely rational news about coal and gas resources needed to fuel ~70% of our electricity generation is hard to find.