Category Archives: News and Views

Was the automating of Australian lighthouses in the 1990’s a policy stupidity ?

Just thinking back to the de-personning of our lighthouses – what net money was saved? – Wondering how useful it would be to have human surveillance at those site now with all the emphasis on border protection, not to mention preventing smuggling and the odd search and rescue event etc.
There has been a negative effect on temperature data – just look at the Cape Otway 90015 record and see the gaps and data degradation after the introduction of AWS in 1994.
And this a world heritage science observing site from the late 1800’s.

“Bad apple” found in ACT Branch CFMEU – Stop Press 2nd “bad apple” arrested

Ex-CFMEU organiser Halafihi Kivalu arrested after damning tapes played at commission – I like the way it is his wife saying “get Russians or Lebanese”. Frontrunner for wife of the year award dear girl.
Sorry – second “bad apple” found –
Former Canberra Raiders player and CFMEU official John Lomax arrested – 24 July 2015

Why does Google tolerate thousands of spammers using or spoofing GoogleMail addresses

In my experience at this blog most of the thousands of spam comments every day quote a GoogleMail address.
I would have thought that with Google’s power they could have shut down or wiped out or minimised these pests in some way. A miniscule sample. Most were posted under gibberish names. Continue reading Why does Google tolerate thousands of spammers using or spoofing GoogleMail addresses

When did snow last fall in the Kaikohe area of New Zealand ?

This article from the Northern Advocate can not say – amazing

I have never heard of snow that far north in NZ – what can readers recall or find in archives?
The NZ herald reported in August 2011 – Snow falls in Auckland for first time in decades – I commented at the time.

Great cartoon – from

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China stocks crash – what is so hard to understand?

Watching media about the crash in Chinese stock exchange prices we seldom see chart data putting in perspective the reality of the rapid spike in prices since early 2015.

Why would not the Shanghai index fall so as to substantially remove this rapid price spike? Loud alarm bells should have rung in Govt by early 2015.

ABC hits historic new low in bad taste reporting on Australian Prime Minister

Can anybody recall media quite as crazed as this ?

On top of years of ABC – Fairfax media – GreenLabor politicians constantly blabbering about every move made by Prime Minister Abbott.
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And the ABC article is even more odd because resource extraction is managed by State Governments in Australia – not the Commonwealth. Canberra has a role in approving exports and a raft of other compliance interferences – but the licensing of gas drilling and extraction is done by state Governments.

Two examples of left-wing math

There has been a poll in Canberra to test public opinion for a GreenLabor Govt proposed light rail or tram project connecting the centre of Canberra to the northern suburbs of Gungahlin.
A few days later this article – Light rail poll: What do the numbers really say? – simply removed the Liberal voters from the poll numbers and came up with support for Govt light rail. For US readers Liberals in Australia tend to be right of centre.
OK – that is the first example of left-wing math – not keen on a result? – just throw away part of the data rinse & repeat.
The second example of left wing maths was exposed on the ABC Q&A TV show where a panel stacked with lefties answers questions from a live audience also stacked from the left. One of the aims of the show is to attack the lone conservative panelist. In the show Monday 29 June 2015 just before the 39minute mark in the transcript Lawrence Krauss refers to a poll in the US showing that more people are killed by “right wing extremists” than by Jihadists. But of course that result is only obtained by using data after 9/11. Love those left wing maths and remember the demand for global warming/climate change policy changes are driven by the left.