Microsoft want my credit card number to reactivate Skype

I only used Skype person to person text chat at odd times – have not used it for best part of a year I think – so I suppose I was a freeloading bludger. Near a decade ago I think I paid a small sum This mainly occurs only in severe generic viagra soft cases. So by choosing to use sildenafil generic medications instead of locating the root viagra online shop cause, these symptoms could accelerate and lead to a serious cardiac event in the future. female viagra 100mg The tablet not only prevents the individual from getting excited during foreplay with their partner. But what if you are unable to focus, when you drive generic cheap viagra a bit too fast or if you cannot keep your focus, a vacation should be on top of your priorities. to make calls to phone numbers – then gave that away. Life will go on without Skype. I would be interested in others experience with Skype now that Microsoft seem to be intent on wringing out value for their 2011 $8.5Bn investment – eyes water.

5 thoughts on “Microsoft want my credit card number to reactivate Skype”

  1. Warwick,

    I joined Skype years ago to post pics of the first Anti-Climate tax rally organised by the Australian Climate Sceptics party on 16/8/2011.

    I didn’t use Skype again until March this year when I signed on to an International on line language course with italki.

    In March, there was still no charge. I am going to resume lessons in the next fortnight so will see if there are charges now..

  2. As I understand the inners of Skype (my understanding is spotty, I suspect), charges may (do ?) apply if you use Skype to contact a phone number.

    If it is used to contact another Skype user via an internet connection, it is the same as lobbing onto the website here, or any other website … ie. no charge.

    If that’s wrong, please detail why it’s wrong and what is correct. I agree that MS has stuffed it, or is likely to. Try finding a reliable installation file – one has to roam the MS catacombs for a longish time.

  3. You could look at Google’s alternative, the clumsily named ‘Hangouts’.

    Although I don’t think they inter-operate easily.

  4. Warwick even if Skype had your credit card details it couldn’t direct debit without your agreement, it may be an ID thing. So far as I know Skype to Skype calls remain free, to call someone not on Skype requires payment or a subscription
    Now that Geoff has mentioned italki might rejuvenate my desire to learn another Slavic language, thanks Geoff

  5. When I could not open Skype I followed whatever prompts I could and answered questions that I expected would lead to confirming my Skype details. The question re credit card was expressed along lines – the card you last used to pay for a MS product. In my case I still use XP and would have bought that 2006-7 ?? while many were complaining how bad Vista was. So I have no idea what card I used. I am a long term dinosaur and pre 2006 was still using Win98SE to the bitter end.

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