Why can’t the BoM decide on Canberra official temperatures in four days ?

This puzzles me – here we are Sunday morning the 24th May and the BoM can not settle on the maximum for the previous Tuesday and the minimum for Wednesday.

2 thoughts on “Why can’t the BoM decide on Canberra official temperatures in four days ?”

  1. Not so odd, Warwick. Geelong’s record is missing rainfall which fell for the 5th and the 10th of this month. I have notified the BoM twice but have not received a reply apart from the automatic one. The result is that they have missed an approximated 14 or 15 mm of rain, which throws out the monthly total and therefore affects the maps and other recorded data. Maybe budget issues might be affecting their ability to do proper maintenance.

  2. Thanks Lindsay – I hope you can keep all records of that missing rain entry. A couple of years ago I was told of a similar thing near Narooma – the rain instrument reset ~3am and lost ~18mm of rain – I checked radar archives – there sure were rain signatures at the time of the lost rain – I gave the BoM all the details – but no reply and no correction – the data is still missing – I hope to post on it later today. Surely this goes to the heart of one of the BoM’s core functions.

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