A welter of worries being expressed by worried carbon farming hopefuls

The new Australian Senate is yet to reveal how the votes will divide on this or that issue – yet it looks as if the Carbon Tax will be repealed. Those looking to turn a buck out of carbon farming are making their worries heard, as the ABC reports – Future of Carbon Farming Initiative unclear
The poor old taxpayer seldom gets a look in.
Best to scrap all these boondoggle schemes – the soils and plant life of our continent already naturally sequester the industrial carbon we produce.

4 thoughts on “A welter of worries being expressed by worried carbon farming hopefuls”

  1. You woud have to wonder where it would leave the landholders who have signed up & had a “profit au prendeur”/caveat put on their titles.

    The legacy for the kids may be just a view of a tangle of woody weeds too thick to muster the feral goats.

  2. Plenty of green/sustainability discussions newspapers like the Guardian and also financial sites.
    I suspect all AGW malke monty out of it schemes, is a corporate ploy to cheat the masses . But l am sceptical as a new world government is making headway.
    Another climate summit in 2015 to chain the nations to corporate rule

  3. Thanks for that – backs up what I have been saying for yonks drawing attention to the 1992 findings of Dr Gifford – CSIRO – “The present modelled rate of net sequestration is of a similar magnitude to CO2 emissions from continental fossil fuel burning and land clearing combined.”

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