4 thoughts on “David Archibald on replying to Green Zealotry”

  1. Well done to David. Like many shareholders I’m sick to the back teeth with the boards of Australia’s big companies kowtowing to this endless Greenie blackmail.
    It’s high time they grow some spine and start representing the interests of the overwhelming majority of shareholders.

  2. China emits almost a third of all GHGs and last year alone increased its emissions by the total amount of GHGs emitted by Australia. China will keep on increasing its emissions uncapped until 2030. By 2030, China alone will emitt far more GHG than all western democracies combined.

    Despite these cold hard facts, not one protester is ever seen on the steps of the Chinese embassy in Canberra and instead, China is hailed as a good climate citizen by all climate alarmists. As a 1% contributor, Australia is seen as the bad guy causing reefs to die and poor people to suffer. China is the good guy selling us windmills and solar panels to save the planet.

    If these simple facts don’t alert people to the obvious conclusion that CC politics are not about the climate but about imposing socialist ideology then it must be noted that the propaganda machine being spun in our educational institutions is winning.

    Time to step up with the rhetoric of truth !

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