Sorry ABC the urban heat island is not mysterious

More GreenLeft deception re the urban heat island UHI.

The UHI was recognized in Ancient Rome.
200 years ago Luke Howard published masses of detailed data on the London UHI.
Thousands of scientific papers have been published – books have been written – no mystery.
When Global Warming was birthed in the 1980’s databases were majority cities all loaded with UHI and GW was mostly UHI warming.
UHI’s can be detected and mapped from satellites.
Now global warming data has bloated to tens of thousands of temperature stations but is still loaded with UHI affected cities and GW is still mostly UHI warming.
Our BoM has published evidence detecting the UHI in small country towns.

2 thoughts on “Sorry ABC the urban heat island is not mysterious”

  1. From the bottom of this article we see how the data “adjustments made 0.5 C of warming disappear. Graph of global temperatures in 1987: +0.5 C warming between 1880 and 1950 Graph of global temperatures in 2014: 0.0 C warming between 1880 and 1950

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