What do readers think about media reporting of the Adelaide hills bushfires over the last week

My impressions have been mainly from the ABC 24Hrs TV –
Little comment about the often large fuel loads shown in vision – grass thigh high – to what extent were the fires just natures hazard reduction burns a bit late.
Ludicrous comparisons to Ash Wednesday –
Rare and poor use of illegible map, I only ever saw one map, the reporters seem cartographically very limited –
Use of old footage without time/date stamp saying it is old –
One reporter at Montacute showed the same scene of smoke in far distance for days without any guide to viewers as to directions – where was north etc –
Too much reporting of the Premier – IMHO viewers want to hear from fire experts –
Days passed before we heard of the larger water bombers –
I recall a young lady reporter on a hilltop – was it Monday or Tuesday referring to six properties up there but the broadcast scene showed little evidence of fire and the camera never panned around – do reporters get sent out without a camera operator ?
The issue of not being able to get a count on lost homes went on for days.
At a time Wednesday late afternoon when BoM radar showed useful rain moving through the fire area – news services were v slow to mention the rain –
But the inevitable whinge about slippery tracks had to appear later.
I see Judith Sloan at Catallaxy has a post – Wrong again: journalistic standards fall even lower – on the issue of the PM being in Iraq at the time of the fires.

2 thoughts on “What do readers think about media reporting of the Adelaide hills bushfires over the last week”

  1. All Australian bushfires happen, because: for many months previously, dry heat from inland gets towards the coast and vacuums the moisture from the vegetation / from the mulch, and is preparing it for big fires. Needs all storm-water possible to be saved on the land and improve moisture content AND improve the climate!!! Warmist are against saving Australian storm-water; instead must be drained into the sea – because pacific doesn’t have enough water…?!

    2] Australian icon / eucalyptus tree produces and releases more toxic oil into the soil every year than 3 Exon Valdez ships – that kills the essential bacteria that suppose to get the mulch in the ground and improve the soil. (leafs from other trees rot in 3 months / dead eucalyptus leafs nothing eats – accumulates and waits for fire: globalwarmingdenier.wordpress.com/5floods-droughts-we-dont-need-to-have/

  2. Got a reference for No. 2 please Stephan? Could not see any back up for this apart from ‘fact 5’ on your website. Fascinating if true.



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