Cool end to summer puts kybosh on warmists hopes for “hottest summer whatever” media headlines

Earlier in February media weather reports were carrying hints and winks that Canberra was “on track” for the “hottest summer evah”. Sadly for the warmists the Australia wide cooling towards the end of summer will have had the usual suspects combing through data assiduously searching for a record anything to trumpet from somewhere.

We will see.

5 thoughts on “Cool end to summer puts kybosh on warmists hopes for “hottest summer whatever” media headlines”

  1. After the ‘Angry Summer’, shouldn’t it be an ‘Angrier Summer’, followed by ‘Angriest Summer’, in line with dangerous rising carbon(sic) levels?

    How to define the 15th hottest summer on the ‘Angry’ scale?

    The Chaffed Summer?

  2. Well, we had a hot summer in Adelaide – the Weather Bureau says so, and the TV last night farewelled it as “the hottest ever”.
    Here in the Adelaide Hills people were complaining until early January about cool weather slowing plant growth. The last 2 weeks of February were cool, indeed there are autumn leaves showing in Hahndorf, Stirling and Woodside. (Overnight minimums of 5-8℃).

    But we had 1 more day over 40℃ than we did in 1897 so that seems enough to prove it was the hottest.

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