Do readers have any experience of “Web of Trust”

I have been told that Web of Trust (WoT) says that my site “…was of low repute!”
Apparently they also warn of Climate Change Dispatch.
Does anybody have any information or opinion on WoT who are based in Finland.
It would not surprise me if Greens on the internet have been putting in bad reports about my site to various internet busybody sites – spam fighters etc.
WoT is new to me – I am interested to hear what readers can tell me.

6 thoughts on “Do readers have any experience of “Web of Trust””

  1. Yes – experience was similar to yours:

    It’s so obviously wrong, since on the category of “Vendor Reliability” I was ranked “Poor” – and my site doesn’t sell anything… nonsense.

    After getting steamed up about it for a while, I just ignored it and moved on. I’ve only come across one person who used the WoT extension anyway.


  2. It appears you can vote for the reliability – or otherwise – of sites tagged by WoT. WUWT and Jo Nova appear to have escaped but I see Global Warming Policy Foundation is now classed of ill-repute. Great company you keep Warwick!

  3. I enjoyed your article Simon – thanks for dropping in.
    None of this bad-mouthing through WoT should be a surprise knowing the Greens as we do.

  4. Having looked at the WoT site. It seems they have turned trust in the context of encryption, into reputational trust. Something entirely different.

    BTW, Simon your link doesn’t work and Google doesn’t find the article.

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