Historic maps of Arctic sea ice extent 1893-1961 – discovery reported by Anthony Watts

Many historic maps from the Danish Meteorological Institute show that Arctic sea ice extent has varied more over the 20th Century than the IPCC would like us to believe. Read what author Regular yoga exercise maintains sexual wellbeing and helps a man achieve harder, longer-lasting cheap generic levitra erections on demand. How to enhance male organ size naturally cheap sildenafil uk is by massaging it using herbal oils like Mast Mood oil. The drug, formulated by Pfizer, was originally intended buy sildenafil 100mg to provide relief from heart and cardiovascular conditions. Blurred/Bluish Vision Another side effect best price on viagra unica-web.com/archive/2015/unica2015-proposed-unica2018-nld.pdf associated with erectile Dysfunction, which causes their partner for reject or inadequate. Frank Lansner has to say.
And while you are at the Anthony Watts site – please have a laugh at the classic photo of a Govt advertisement warning of drought.

One thought on “Historic maps of Arctic sea ice extent 1893-1961 – discovery reported by Anthony Watts”

  1. From Wattsupwiththat
    Old aerial photos supply new knowledge on glaciers in Greenland – it has been warm or warmer than today in the not so distant past
    May 30, 2012 by Anthony Watts
    A quote from the article.
    In the early 1920s and 1930s, temperatures were high, similar to that of the present, and this affected the glacial melt. At the time many glaciers underwent a melt similar or even higher than what we have seen in the last ten years. When it became colder again in the 1950s and 1960s, glaciers actually started growing,” says Dr. Kurt H. Kjær.

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