Apparent Relations Between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by the Planets

This informative paper is by; Ching-Cheh Hung, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135.
Extract from Summary; A solar storm is a storm of ions and electrons from the Sun. Large solar storms are usually preceded by solar flares, phenomena that can be characterized quantitatively from Earth. Twenty-five of the thirtyeight largest known solar flares were observed to start when one or more tide-producing planets
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter) were either nearly above the event positions (<10° longitude) or at the opposing side of the Sun. The probability for this to happen at random is 0.039 percent. Download 1.7MB pdf of paper

One thought on “Apparent Relations Between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by the Planets”

  1. Warwick, thanks for posting this paper on your site. It is the Rosetta Stone for solar cycle understanding.

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