WA Premier still talking utter rubbish about rainfall

What is it about something as simple as rainfall that gets our leaders and politicians talking nonsense ?
Remember in 2007 (during May that had average rainfall) the then WA Premier Alan Carpenter said – “It has stopped raining in the south west of Western Australia……”.
And it is not just WA Premiers, NSW too has the virus.
Anyway – it has happened again.
The Perth Arena which is under construction is afflicted by mould – which is causing those involved some angst and the WA Premier Colin Barnett opines that it is due to a wet winter. How does the media not call him out over such nonsense. A quick check of BoM data shows Perth has had a winter (Jun-Jul-Aug) with 448mm rain compared to a long term average of 479mm.
So it has NOT been a wet winter.
I wonder if the Premier has been brainwashed by a decade of WA Govt Water bureaucracies propaganda about “Our drying climate”.
Does he believe now that Perth normal winters now are dry ?
Dry enough to build the arena without safeguarding against rain ?
I do not know.
But surely it is obvious to anybody with the brains to check Perth’s rain history, that the winter months are very likely to see a fair bit of rain.
What will this cost WA taxpayers ?

5 thoughts on “WA Premier still talking utter rubbish about rainfall”

  1. The Premier needs education as to the difference between streamflow and rainfall.

    Maybe then a little light will come on and he may realize that the “water problem” is one that’s due to changes in catchment management. And that management is a lot cheaper to fix than the construction of even more energy-sucking desalination plants.

  2. Families, when a child is born,
    want it to be intelligent.
    I, through intelligence,
    having wrecked my whole life.
    Only hope the baby will prove
    ignorant and stupid.
    Then he will crown a tranquil life
    by becoming a Cabinet Minister.

    Su Dong-Po as translated by Arthur Waley.

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