The Copenhagen climate conference must now be cancelled

What can there be to talk about with any certainty – now that the University of East Anglia has stood aside Professor Phil Jones, the undisputed “father of global warming”.
Let the delegates stay home, save carbon emissions, enjoy time with their families. Give taxpayers a bonus.

15 thoughts on “The Copenhagen climate conference must now be cancelled”

  1. Warwick, they’ve invested too much money, too many years and such a tremendous effort during decades to just stop now. You are right, but they just don’t care. They don’t care about people, about climate or people’s health and wellbeing. Only Power. For the sake of it. “Power corrupts, and absolute ccorrupts absolutely.” This is what we’ve seen during decades on the climate science issue, but it is closely related to how all governments and politicians in the world behave.

    We are the ones who pay the bill for their party. A party we have not been invited.

  2. Christmas came erly this year with the blessed arrival of the Hadley hacking event….a true watershed moment for science now and for all humanity in short order….all climate science will now be referenced as a pre-Hadley or post-Hadley perspective….have great article on the wider implications titled “Recusant Picadores Circle the IPCC” posted on a website near you….please ‘Forward All’ and spread a bit of holiday cheer ! ! !

    Congrats to the Aussies for dumping the AGW movement in Parliment ! ! ! Hope the US can join you in that action soon.

  3. As an Aussie I am pleased we DO have some thinking people in our Parliament.
    Sadly too few, but hopefully the less brainwashed will see the Emperor has No clothes on soon:-)
    Copenhagen and its hidden agenda need to be stopped cold, I would love it if all planes went on strike to stop Krudd and Wrong getting there to sign our finances and nationalsoverignty away. I am sure I could find a canoe for them to paddle, thereby saving tons of CO2 for them:-) and keeping them usefully employed, unlike now!
    Maybe? a flood of mails? or citizens petitions..more of them!
    www.climatesceptics.cpm have a couple going, feel free to sign and support, or start a Kiwi version:-)

  4. I urge the Nobel Committee (if they want to keep any shred of integrity) to seek out the hackers responsible for this monumental whistle blowing event and nominate them for the Nobel Prize for Science and also for Economics. Surely no one has done more in the past 15+ years to benefit mankind and ensure the integrity of science than the brave whistle blowers involved in this current mess.

  5. These latest revelations show that the man-made global warming alarmists are more concerned about the shaking down of democracies that practice capitalism for money than protecting Earth’s environment. They can’t wait to use the UN to establish a world government that can (carbon) tax every advanced nation for the purposes of redistributing wealth according to the dictates of a bunch of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Never mind that man cannot create, stop or mitigate volcanoes, hurricanes or earthquakes. According to the environmental wackos, the mere act of breathing is expelling enough CO2 to kill the entire planet. Here’s my advice to them: if breathing is killing the planet, how about you show us the way by stopping first.

  6. I see that somebody has already suggested what I believe… we should find the person who hacked these emails… and nominate them for the Nobel Prize in Science. They have done an immeasurably beneficial thing for all of us by exposing this fraud, manipulation and dishonesty.

  7. I’ll go even one better for the whistle blowers/hackers, we should throw them a ticker tape parade for saving all of humanity from so much pillage and grief.

  8. Yes, Warwick, you are right, the Copenhagen conference should now be cancelled, for the welfare of the human species.

  9. Cancel the Conference?

    Dear God, NO.

    This is going to be way too much fun, and a great opportunity for people to see how mad and foolish our politicians are.

    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

  10. Folks.
    time for the realists to put pressure on KRudd & wrong bet Wong and call for a Royal Commission into the state of climate science. nothing less will suffice.
    that includes calling FatAlbert & Goulman Sachs.

  11. Past British Prime Minister Lloyd George was once reported as asking an official for the figures on a certain subject. The reply: “Yes Sir, and what is it that you want to prove?”

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