Young ladies thoughts re children’s climate strike

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6 thoughts on “Young ladies thoughts re children’s climate strike”

  1. Great girl!

    I studied economics too when I went to University. Its why I campaign about “Climate Change” and its various off shoots.

    Congratulations also to the editor which printed her well written essay!

  2. Strange idea to “strike” from going to school. Who is the employer? What demands are being made on the employer? Say they all stayed home indefinitely – what would the employer lose?

    Of course the whole thing has been cooked up by adults. Ms Tran says “The group’s website, created by the activists (many of whom are adults and come from partisan backgrounds)”. True, and see also this about the autistic founder of the movement and the publicity machine that took her up:

    And these on the manipulation and miseducation of school children in the USA, UK, and Australia:

  3. Any bets they will line her up against 4 other students* on Q & A next week?

    [*+/- a sellout shill like Cox]

  4. Right Cranky, the Leftist host, a panel full of Lefties and no doubt gotcha plants in the audience.

  5. We should charge the ABC for these audience-winning suggestions!

    BTW has anyone noticed how witch-hunting is back? If courageous Joanne were to appear on Q&A she would get exactly the treatment Cranky and Bob outline – as this is, in fact, their regular format. It’s also the secret of their success: inviting viewers to vicariously hunt down the witch with Tony, the panel, and the stacked audience. The trick is to pretend to be balanced while in reality only preaching to the converted. The audience goes away reinforced in their prejudices, having been given the impression that they have “listened to both sides”.

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