Working through the issue of identifying the 38 rural Western USSR stations  shown on the FIG 1a map in Jones et all 1990 Letter to Nature
I have numbered the rural stations 1 to 38  and they are so listed  on my wussr38.xls worksheet  where I am recording progress towards identifying all of the 38 stations.
It is interesting that five of the 38 stations are outside the area of gridded data. Eg. 9, 14, 19, 25,  on the east side and 38 in the SW.
Map B shows the locations of station used to generate the Jones et al 1986 gridded data in use at the time their  1990 Letter to Nature was written.  We see that as Jones et al 1990 states, there are only 4 stations  shared by both the rural and gridded Jones et al series, these are, 1, 8, 30 and 31.  To make this map, the image of  Jones et al 1990 FIG 1a  was "registered"  in mapping software using the Latitude & Longitude grid points and then the software allows superimposition of  new layers of data based on excel spreadsheets. 
Map C is simply Map B with station names added.  The spreadsheet  indicates where station names have been sourced and will be updated as work progresses.
Map D is of course the same base map but with station locations of Jones 1994  greatly expanded  series. Now we see 12 stations common to both the rural and gridded series,  1, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 21, 30, 31, 34, 35 and 36.  This means that in the few years between the two papers, 26 of the 38 rural stations (68%) were deemed unfit to include in the 1994 station list.
Map E  is the Map A base map but with a 1 degree latitude and longitude grid superimposed by software. This will lead to the most accurate estimate of lat & long  possible given the errors inherent in my original photocopy, scanning, etc. These estimated lat & long numbers will be added to my spreadsheet downloadable above.    I am hoping that the 24 Feb 2007 post on my Blog, "Does anybody have a very detailed list of Russian met station locations ?"  will lead me to the inventory file of Russian met stations that I am looking for.
Map F is a crop from the HiRes  NASA Earthlights image, and  has the 38 rural stations superimposed by mapping software, the stations being indentified from the WMO ?  inventory file on the NOAA website, details sent to me by Steve McIntyre. We see that 60% of Jones et al 38 stations correspond with pinpoint illumination.
We now need the station data. Does anyone have ideas how to get these lower ranking Russian station data ? By that I mean data not available in GHCN, GISS or the Jones 1994  station data.

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