JANUARY 9th 2006
Recent corrections to the global temperature measurements in the lower atmosphere carried out by  Microwave Sounder Units (MSU) on  NASA satellites  have led to much greater agreement between these measurements and those obtained by amalgamating surface temperature measurements from weather stations and ships. Attached are the world maps for the temperature anomalies for November 2005 as now published by the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia at
and the similar map for the MSU NASA satellite measurements, published at
It will be seen that there are considerable similarities between the two maps.
In both maps
The hottest regions were Central Siberia and North America, although the MSU gives greater emphasis to Siberia.
The coolest regions were Alaska, the Mediterranean, India, the East Pacific, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica.
The differences were
East Africa was warm for "surface" but cool for MSU
Southern Indian Ocean was slightly cooler for "surface" and slightly warmer for MSU
The Atlantic and mid-Pacific were slightly warmer for "surface" and unchanged for MSU.
But, on the whole, we can now have considerable confidence that between them, the various methods of measuring global temperature are giving considerable agreement..
However,it is still clear that they do not agree with computer climate models based on the belief that the temperature changes are caused by an increase in greenhouse  gases. The following are the discrepancies
The models all assume that the greenhouse effect is situated in th lower troposphere. Any warming due to greenhouse gases should be greater there, so  the MSU measurements should warm more than the surface. Observations show both are similar..
The models predict increased warming, equally, at both the North and South Poles. The measurements show that the two poles are completely different. The North Pole  is warming the South Pole is cooling
The models predict much greater warming than is observed, and the only way they can get out of it is to assume a large cooling influence of clouds and aerosols, Since these are concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere, there should be greater net  warming in the South than in the North. The observations show the opposite..   
Vincent Gray
75 Silverstream Road
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New Zealand
Phone/Fax 064 4 9735939
"It's not the things you don't know that fool you.
It's the things you do know that aint so"
Josh Billings