Tasmanian power exports via Basslink in Dec 2015 were triggered by Victorian price signals

I should have included this price graphic in my March blog – Tasmanian electricity crisis explained day by day Now it is crystal clear to see that Tasmania initiated power exports when the Victorian RRP rose through ~$80(per MWhr) and exports ceased when Vic RRP fell back. Looking at my March chart of the 5 … Continue reading Tasmanian power exports via Basslink in Dec 2015 were triggered by Victorian price signals

Sun Cable in Administration – what’s up?

Remember the Sun Cable plan for a giant solar farm in the NT and a submarine cable to Singapore and how in Jan the news was a dispute between Twiggy Forrest and Cannon-Brookes drove the move into Administration. Sun Cable collapses after dispute between billionaire investors Andrew Forrest and Mike Cannon-Brookes 11Jan2023 www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-11/sun-cable-enters-administration/101845100 (WSH comments) … Continue reading Sun Cable in Administration – what’s up?

Record AEMO electricity prices in January 2019

We have been hearing through 2018 how the Fed. Govt. will do this or that to lower electricity prices. Well despite that blabber all states prices moved higher into summer. Yet the worst of Jan. heat spells were short in the worst affected states and despite everybody knowing exactly when summer was due – records … Continue reading Record AEMO electricity prices in January 2019

Open NEM now has charts of grid generation from 2005

Credit where due to the people behind Open Nem. Now 15 years of electricity generation history by each state from the north. Most of my comments are from viewing with settings at “All” and “Month” but it is easy to checked other periods. AEMO dashboard. Qld shows increasing demand over the entire period. At the … Continue reading Open NEM now has charts of grid generation from 2005

Adelaide – Melbourne hot days pressure power prices

Thanks to Siliggy for the heads up. AEMO has both South Australia and Victoria with “Scheduled Demand” prices for todays afternoon peak plus $10,000 MWh. Something to watch as the afternoon turns to evening – surely those sky-high prices will moderate as bids come in. OpenNem for SA and Vic shows clearly that yesterdays heat … Continue reading Adelaide – Melbourne hot days pressure power prices

Why are Tasmanian electricity prices spiking to over $2,000 per MWhr?

Tasmanian electricity is supplied by their Govt owned mostly hydro and lesser wind & gas fired generation. Why is that Tasmanian wholesale AEMO prices spike to over $2000 per MW hour twice in recent days? There is only one supplier – Hydro-Electric Corporation owned by the Tasmanian Goverment. Nemwatch for current generation and AEMO for … Continue reading Why are Tasmanian electricity prices spiking to over $2,000 per MWhr?