4 thoughts on “Problems with the server should be over now(17 July)”

  1. I would be most grateful if you would post this recently published paper of mine,
    “Rhodes Fairbridge and the idea that the solar system regulates the Earth’s climate”
    on your website. The paper was published in the most recent issue of the Journal of Coastal Research.
    As is usual for publication in a leading international scientific journal my paper was subject to a rigorous peer review.
    Here is the Abstract of my paper:
    a special connection with Australia. In July, 1912 his father Kingsley established Fairbridge Village near Perth.
    It contains a chapel of elegant simplicity designed by one of the world’s most famous architects of the time, Sir
    Herbert Baker, as a labour of love to commemorate Kingsley. Rhodes is one of the few scientists to research the
    sun/climate relationship in terms of the totality of the sun’s impact on the earth (i.e. gravity, the electromagnetic
    force and output and their interaction). When the totality of the sun’s impact is considered, having regard to the
    relevant research published over the last two decades, the influence of solar variability on the earth’s climate is
    very strongly non-linear and stochastic. Rhodes also researched the idea that the planets might have a role in
    producing the sun’s variable activity. If they do and if the sun’s variable activity regulates climate, then
    ultimately the planets may regulate it. Recent research about the sun/climate relationship and the solar inertial
    motion (sim) hypothesis shows a large body of circumstantial evidence and several working hypotheses but no
    satisfactory account of a physical sim process. In 2007 Ulysses will send information about the solar poles. This
    could be decisive regarding the predictions about emergent Sunspot Cycle No 24, including the sim hypothesis.
    According to the sim hypothesis, this cycle should be like Sunspot Cycle No 14, and be followed by two that will
    create a brief ice age. During the 1920s and ‘30s Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology published research about
    the sun/climate relationship, especially Sunspot Cycle No 14, showing that it probably caused the worst drought
    then on record.

    Here is the last paragraph
    In his many publications (for example, NORTH (2005)),
    Douglass North stresses that if the issues with which we are
    concerned, such as global warming and the global commons,
    belong in a world of continuous change (that is, a non-ergodic
    world), then we face a set of problems that become exceedingly
    complex. North stresses that our capacity to deal effectively with
    uncertainty is essential to our succeeding in a non-ergodic world.
    History shows that regional effects of climate change are highly
    variable and that the pattern of change is highly variable. An
    extremely cold (or hot) year can be followed by extremely hot (or
    cold) year. Warming and cooling will be beneficial for some
    regions and catastrophic for others. Brian Fagan has documented
    in detail relationships between the large-scale and generally
    periodic changes in climate and the rise and fall of civilisations,
    cultures and societies since the dawn of history. The thesis to
    which Rhodes Fairbridge devoted much of his life is that the sun,
    through its relationships with the solar system, is largely
    responsible for these changes and that we are now on the cusp of
    one of the major changes that feature in the planet’s history. As
    Douglass North showed, the main responsibility of governments
    in managing the impact of the potentially catastrophic events that
    arise in a non-ergodic world is to mange society’s response to
    them so as to enable the society to adapt as efficiently as possible
    to them. Amongst other things, this would mean being better able
    to anticipate and manage our response to climate change, to
    minimise suffering and maximise benefits and the efficiency of
    our adaptation to a climate that is ever-changing – sometimes
    catastrophically – but generally predictable within bounds of
    uncertainty that statisticians can estimate. At the very least, this
    requires that the scientific community acts on the wise counsel of
    Rhodes W Fairbridge and presents governments with advice that
    has regard to the entire field of planetary-lunar-solar dynamics,
    including gravitational dynamics. This field has to be understood
    so that the dynamics of terrestrial climate can be understood.

    Here is the link to the paper: www.griffith.edu.au/conference/ics2007/pdf/ICS176.pdf
    Here is the link to the Journal:

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