Articles by David Archibald


The UK Growing Season

Onset of the Next Glaciation 

F10.7 Flux, Sea Level and the Holocene 

The worst consequences of the global warming scare

Two years to a 1740-type event?

Afghan Twilight

The Scientific Community is Plagued by Western Self-Loathing -- The "Treason of the Intellectuals"

Studies: Weaker solar activity means colder, and colder also means drier

Dial M for Maunder

China and CO2

A Cold Dawn Coming

Solar Update June 2014 - The sun is still slumping along

A Cool Question Answered

A Colder Climate is a Drier Climate

Test Driving the Solar Notch-Delay Model

Exploit the breakout

Cultural Tipping Point Reached - Hollywood has started mocking global warming


Alms vs. Armaments

The Case for More Collins Class Subs

China's Dinky-di Cheer Squad

Reading The ANZUS Treaty


The Twilight of Abundance

Say Goodbye to Egypt

Socialism is an archaic and regressive behaviour

As China and Japan Prepare for War, American Forces Battle over Turf

Iran's Food Security Crisis and the Country's Unsustainable Population 

China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh

China's 'Mobile National Territory'

Israel Will Be The Last Man Standing in the Middle East

Starvation and the Middle East

Chairman Mao's Time Bomb

Grain Importers Should Be Nice To Grain Exporters

Gaza as the EU's Second Front

Peak China

The Middle East from Here

China: The Window is Closing

First Job for the Zumwalt Coming Up

China Prepares for War

As China Plans for War, the US Renames its Battle Plan

The Shakedown on the Seine

Let's Not Feed Our Enemies

Why China Will Lose the War It is Planning

The Disappointment That Is the F-35

Liquid Fuel Security

Australia Needs Liquid Fuel Security

What is to be done?

Two Charts and their Portent

Reversal of Fortune: The Fate of Oil

The Imminent Peak in US Oil Production

The Case for Coal-to-Oil Security

Who's Got Liquids? plus Further to the Bakken

Running on Empty


The Soaring Cost Of Credentialism

The First Circle

A Sin Of Commission

Studies In Comparative Theology: Hidden Imam Versus Hidden Heat

Lifestyle Choices? Here's a Few More

A Strategic Plan for the West

Grim and Growing Darker